Jenny Tough is an endurance athlete who's best known for running and cycling in some of world's most challenging events - achieving accolades that are an inspiration to outdoor adventurers everywhere.
She writes about her experiences in books, magazines, and her own Substack, and is a regular guest on podcasts in the outdoors, running, cycling, and travel.
This episode of "This Rider" uncovers an otherwise unseen part of Emily Chappell and Jenny Tough's careers. Conscious that they are not alone in their struggles with body image, they openly discuss their relationship with their bodies with the goal of encouraging others to be kinder to themselves.
On my recent gravel bikepacking journey in the Al Hajar mountains, I was faced constantly with objections like: "you can't go there - it's too hard!". The boundaries of your comfort zone are unique to you, and only you can decide where you'll go.
'We are all seeking something. Joy. Peace. Passion. Connection. And we can choose how we get there. The journeys we take, whether fast, dependent on the rush of endorphins, or slow, letting curiosity lead the way. These things define us.'
Recent posts around the web
The Daily Rally Podcast (powered by Outside Online) - Jenny Tough will always show up.
BBC Women’s Hour live radio interview.
El Miedo - Running the Bolivian Andes (originally published in Sidetracked Mag Volume 14)
National Geographic ‘Meet the Adventurer’ - Jenny Tough
Starry Nights and Berber Omelettes - story of the Atlas Mountain Race 2020
Alone, Together - Racing the SRMR
Sidetracked - Mountains of Heaven
Montane Further Faster - podcast interview